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Our pride is in sharing our combined 140 years of industry expertise. We help you get what you need.

Specialty Gas Valves

Specialty Gas Valves

Sherwood’s years of experience in the diverse product lines of compressed gas propane, specialty gas, and life support provide us with the technical expertise to meet your varied needs. They're our partner for the best quality valves, delivered on time, at the best possible price!

For nearly a century, Sherwood has been the world’s leading provider of system-critical compressed gas solutions serving blue-chip bulk and specialty gas manufacturers, distributors, and storage & delivery system providers (OEMs).

Automated manufacturing processes throughout Sherwood’s operations are set up to eliminate 97% of all touch labor, resulting in consistently higher-quality products. They've added many new advanced process controls, including infrared thermal imaging to ensure optimization at every stage in the manufacturing process, and helium leak checking for quality, safety and reliability.

Sherwood’s diverse product lines of specialty gas, compressed gas, refrigeration products, propane and life-support equipment have helped enable us to serve you varied and diverse product lines. Their engineering team includes experts in product design and development, as well as experts in the quality and compliance testing requirements needed to create custom valves to meet your unique applications.